Rosen - Texas Association for Pupil Transportation

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Dana Rosen
Asst. Director of Transportation - Student Safety & Support
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD
My name is Dana Rosen, and I currently serve as the Assistant Director of Transportation, specializing in Student Safety and Campus Support at Cypress-Fairbanks ISD. My 24 years in education have been woven with diverse experiences, including as a high school teacher and coach, bus driver, special education teacher, behavior specialist, and classroom management consultant. These experiences have given me a unique opportunity to work with transportation specialists in many different settings and view the industry from many perspectives.

While my passion is helping create systems and practices to improve student behavior on the bus, I also serve as a special education consultant, leadership coach, and team-building specialist.  I have been invited to speak and consult at state and national conferences concerning innovative solutions to special education transportation, effective leadership, student management strategies, and PBIS for transportation.
I am seeking this position on the TAPT Executive Committee to use my knowledge and skills to bring our members the best opportunities for growth and education. My ability to connect with people and encourage positive communication will help me find areas within the organization where I can serve. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to support the continued growth and innovative practices within TAPT.
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